Audits and Compliance

Is your Board on-board for your next operational site visit?

Is your Board on-board for your next operational site visit?

If you’ve been following our blog, then you are aware (hopefully!) that 2018 has brought with it changes to the operational site visit (OSV) model.

Today we will focus on those changes specifically related to your Board of Directors, and how you can ensure that your Board is prepared to ace your next OSV.

340B Audits and Compliance 101

340B Audits and Compliance 101

Covered entities participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program must ensure program integrity and maintain accurate records documenting compliance with all program requirements. They are subject to audit by the manufacturer or the federal government. Failure to comply may make the 340B covered entity liable to manufacturers for refunds of discounts or cause the covered entity to be removed from the 340B program.